5 Reasons to Have an Esthetician in Your Life

What if there were a place where you could speak of your concerns about skin aging without feeling judged for being superficial? What if you knew someone who spent all day studying the confusing world of skincare products and could tell you exactly which ones would best benefit your skin? What if you could meet with said person on a regular basis and let them examine your skin and offer on the spot treatment to maintain balance, health, and beauty? What if they had access to all sorts of fancy equipment such as professional magnification, high-tech exfoliating devices, deeply hydrating treatments, stimulating LED lights, and chemical potions that magically dissolve away dull skin revealing the glowing complexion of your dreams? Aaaaand, what IF all of this were to occur in a tranquil, spa-like environment with you lying on a cloud-like heated bed???

Guess what . . . That’s exactly what it is like when you see a professionally trained esthetician, also known as a skin care therapist, for monthly facials! Here are 5 MORE reasons why you should regularly see an esthetician. (#5 might save your life!)

#1 Safe and thorough extractions

Have you ever spotted something in the mirror and tortured it to the point of an injury that took days or even weeks to fully heal? An esthetician knows when (and when not) to extract a congested pore or acne bump, and they can do so with precision and safety, avoiding injury and potential scarring. Your esthetician will meticulously examine your pores and clear out congestion as well as those little hard white bumps that form under the skin. Don’t be embarrassed, because the typical esthetician LOVES doing extractions and will relish the opportunity to provide you with this service.

#2 Clinical exfoliation

No matter how well you treat your skin at home, nothing can replace the amazing feeling and visible results of an in-office clinical exfoliation. Whether that means having a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, or the famous multi-modality Hydrafacial, these professional exfoliation treatments correct past sun damage and stimulate volume in the skin as well as send you out with a healthy glow that lasts for weeks.

#3 Increased circulation

Experiencing the sensation of trained hands expertly rolling and tumbling across your face isn’t all about feeling good. These luxurious motions address stagnant fluid within the skin tissue and trigger the lymphatic system to rid the skin of waste buildup. These massage techniques also increase blood flow and oxygen to the skin all while naturally relieving muscle tension in the face for a more rested appearance.

#4 Professional skin care guidance

People who work closely with an esthetician are much less likely to waste money on products that are not suitable for their skin. Let your esthetician be your guide, and spend your hard earned money on products that will keep your skin in balance and help you reach your goals quickly. Skin care products sold by professional estheticians have much higher concentrations of active ingredients and less irritants than those found over the counter or at department stores.

#5 They may alert you to see a dermatologist

A good esthetician knows when something is out of their realm of expertise and can often alert you when it is wise to seek medical attention for unrecognized skin lesions or conditions that require a higher level of care. Nobody will get to know your skin like your esthetician and they just might be the first to notice changes that require the urgent care of a dermatologist such as cancerous or precancerous lesions.

EB Skin is home to the best estheticians in Nashville. Our skin care specialist undergo in-depth training to bring you expert skin therapies and guide you to the best skin of your life. Begin your skin health journey now by booking your first facial treatment today!


New Year’s Skin Resolutions


Minimalist, Midi, and Maximalist Anti-Aging Skincare Routines